Rob Shea is an infrared, landscape, and travel photographer who has created over 125 YouTube videos covering infrared photography, including detailed tutorials, shooting and editing guides, tips, tricks, raw editor reviews, and product reviews.
He has created multiple tools to simplify the complex editing workflow for color infrared images. The Infrared Profile Pack and Chrome Profile Pack are free collections of camera-specific profiles which allow setting of a good white balance in Adobe and other raw editors. Simplify the color swapping process with Photoshop actions, Lightroom profiles, ON1 Photo RAW presets, darktable presets, and LUTs.
His book, Color Doesn’t Exist: A Practical Guide to Infrared Photography, is the definitive guide for photographers new to and experienced with infrared photography.
He has introduced infrared photography to photo clubs in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, and in the United States including California, New Mexico, Wisconson, and New Jersey.